Helmy Haja Mydin

Dr. Mydin is a consultant respiratory physician at Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur. A graduate of Newcastle University, he received his Certificate of Completion of Training from the Royal College of Physicians, UK for general and respiratory medicine. He returned to Malaysia in 2014, when he was appointed as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine of Universiti Malaya.
Helmy’s holds a Certificate in Executive Leadership for Healthcare Professionals from Cornell University, USA. His areas of interest include healthcare reform, tobacco control and airways disease. He was elected to the British Thoracic Society’s Professional and Organisational Standards Committee as well as its Tobacco Specialty Advisory Group. He has numerous peer-reviewed publications and has presented nationally, in Europe and the United States.
Upon his return to Malaysia, he was appointed to the Malaysian Ministry of Health’s Technical Committee on the Effects of Shisha and Electronic Cigarettes and co-founded Project SCOPE, a national training program on smoking cessation, under the auspices of Universiti Malaya’s Nicotine Addiction Research & Collaborating Centre.
Helmy also sits in the National Taskforce Committee for Early Lung Cancer Screening and the Working Committees for the development of National Clinical Practice Guidelines for both asthma and smoking cessation. He was recently elected as the Assistant Treasurer for the Malaysian Thoracic Society.
He is passionate about the challenges affecting society and is a Founding Associate of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs, a Malaysia-based think tank dedicated to promoting market-based solutions to public policy challenges.
Helmy spends his spare time writing for the media, chasing his toddler and eating chocolate.