M. Tasdik Hasan

Position: Research Investigator, Infectious Disease Division (IDD), International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b)
Design research and write proposals for research grants with an emphasis on research ethics securing the interest of participants;
Analysis of collected data after appropriate data management and writing research reports;
Preparing manuscripts for scientific publication under supervisor’s guidance;
Organize and participate in various dissemination workshops both nationally and internationally;
Training data collectors and field supervisors as per research proposal on research instruments;
Regular field visits for monitoring and evaluation of research field activities.
- Dr. Tasdik is working as a Research Investigator in International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) since 2015. After MBBS he has completed Masters in Public Health from American International University-Bangladesh by achieving Chancellors Gold Medal for highest academic excellence & recently completed Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management from IDMVS, University of Dhaka with top score.
- He is leading several voluntary organizations to spread sense of volunteerism, basic knowledge on research methods & leadership among medical students. He has introduced different new trainings such as research methods for undergraduate medical students, arts of presentation, basic life support skills, interactive session with global leaders by actively working and collaborating with Public Health Foundation of Bangladesh & IFMSA-Bangladesh.
- He is also involved as a GOBESHONA Young Researcher Fellow of International Centre for Climate Change & Development (ICCCAD). He has achieved a lot appreciation, recognitions & awards as a medical leader for his innovative leadership skills with consideration of “future face” of public health research in Bangladesh. This young physician is dreaming of establishing himself as a global health leader in the world platform of health research by upholding the flag of Bangladesh.