Hazera Khatun

Dr. Hazera Khatun is a Haematologist. Her clinical interest is in haematological malignancies and her research is focused acute leukaemia and multiple myeloma. She graduated from Dhaka Medical College, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2004 with honours in Anatomy. She started fellowship training in Haematology from 2006 at Dhaka Medical College Hospital and BSM Medical University. She was awarded a Commonwealth scholarship to study MSc in Biomedical and Molecular Sciences at Kingís College, London in 2009. Her main area of interest was translational research in Haematology and she worked to identify novel drug targets in multiple myeloma. She is an expert in cell culture, flow cytometry and western blot. She worked with the myeloma research group to develop a novel high through put assay to test anti-myeloma agents. She became a fellow of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons upon completion of training and passing fellowship examination in July 2012. Her thesis was on aspiration failure and bone marrow biopsy. Currently, she is working a specialist in haematology in Square Hospital, Bangladesh. She is responsible for management of malignant and non-malignant haematological diseases and supervision of the residents. She is also responsible for reviewing flow cytometry, bone marrow and blood films of the acute leukaemia patients. Her current research projects include a clinical trial on acute promyelocytic leukaemia and outcome of induction by CALGB8811 in adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients. She has research collaboration with haematology centers at other institutes for epidemiological study of acute leukaemia and actively participates in development of consensus protocols for treatment of acute leukaemia in Bangladesh. She is a member of Bangladesh Society of Haematology and coordinates a group of haematologists for research in leukaemia and lymphoma. She has publications in both national and internationally acclaimed journals including British Journal of Haematology, Journal of Medicine and Medicine Today. Works from her research on multiple myeloma has been presented at annual meetings of American Society of Hematology in 2010 and 2011.