Suman Majumdar

Dr Suman Majumdar is an infectious diseases specialist at the Centre for International Health at the Burnet Institute, Melbourne, Australia. The Burnet is a not-for-profit and independent organisation that links medical research with public health action, recognising that solutions to many of the major global health problems require comprehensive and innovative responses. Suman_s vision is to redress health inequalities resulting from infectious diseases and enhance health care delivery in low and middle-income countries through partnership by providing technical support, training and conducting operational/implementation research. He has focused skills in the clinical and programmatic management of TB/drug-resistant TB, HIV medicine, training healthcare workers and health system strengthening. Suman is strongly driven by the principles of humanity and social justice, which has lead to health program work in Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, China, India, Mexico, Swaziland and regions of the former Soviet Union, including work with MÇdecins Sans Frontiäres. His current projects at the Burnet include a role as technical director of a public health program that aims to reduce the impact of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Papua New Guinea and piloting innovative models of community-based TB care in Myanmar.Suman obtained his medical degree from the University of Newcastle in 2004. He completed a Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in 2006, membership of the Royal College of Physicians UK in 2010 and was admitted as a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2013. Currently, Suman is an infectious diseases physician working at Alfred Hospital (a major Melbourne tertiary/quaternary centre) and the First Step Program (a viral hepatitis clinic for people with dependence on drugs or alcohol). He is an adjunct lecturer at the Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine at Monash University and coordinating the _infectious diseases and global health_ course. Suman is a facilitator in the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (the Union) South Asia operations research course. He is an early career researcher with a number of peer reviewed publications and servers as a journal reviewer. Suman is engaged in leadership, policy and advocacy activities at the Burnet and as a founding committee member of the Australasian TB Forum, a new body that aims to facilitate greater connections between those working in TB prevention, care and control and an enhanced response to TB in Australia and the region.