
Mohammad Reza Mokhber Dezfouli


Mohammad Reza Mokhber Dezfouli profile photo

Prof. Mohammad Reza Mokhbar Dezfouli is a distinguished professor at the University of Tehran who has been a fellow of the Academy since 2009. His main academic achievements and administrative positions are as follows:

- Recipient of Everlasting Face Award of Iran, 2010

- Exemplary Professor of the Country, 2012

- Member, Board of Trustees, University of Tehran

- Member of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, 2002- present

- Member, Board of Trustees, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

- Member, Board of Trustees, National Elites Foundation

- Member, Board of Trustees, Iranology Foundation

- Member of the Audit Committee at the University of Tehran

- Member, Board of Trustees, Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute

- Head, Steering Staff of the Comprehensive Scientific Map of the Country

- Founder and Head of the Biomedical Research Institute at the University of    


- Author of Several Books in the Field of Internal Diseases of Veterinary Science

- Winner of the Book of the Year Award in 2002 and 2007

- Holder of Five Patents in Biological Products

- Supervisor and Advisor of over 90 Dissertations of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and Doctor of Veterinary of Medicine with Specialization (DVMS)