Professor Guéladio Cissé
Sanitary Engineering & Environmental Epidemiology

Guéladio Cissé is senior researcher, project and research group leader and head of the Ecosystem Health Sciences Unit in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) in Basel, which he joined in 2009. He was previously the Director General of the Swiss Centre for Scientific Research in Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS; 2004-2009). He obtained his PhD in sanitary engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 1997, holds a Master in environmental sciences and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in disaster risk reduction from EPFL. In his research activities, Guéladio Cissé has particularly promoted the use of integrated approaches for environment and health risks assessment in underprivileged urban areas, understanding issues of habitat, water, environmental sanitation, wastewater, urban agriculture, climate change and major diseases of poverty (malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS) in these contexts and areas. He is teaching at universities in Switzerland and Africa, supervising several young researchers from a broad range of countries, disciplines and cultures.