Rabab Ahmed Rashwan
Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT)

Rabab Ahmed Rashwan graduated in 1992 with a BA in library and information science from Cairo University. After working in the Library of Congress office as a cataloger, Rashwan joined the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT)/the Egyptian National STI Network (ENSTINET) in 1994 as an information specialist working in database development and digital library projects. She is also a technical manager for ISSN Egypt, working closely with Egyptian Journals. From 2008, she has coordinated and managed the publishing group for a project focused on open access journals with international publishers. Rashwan has also worked with local journals to help them reach international standards in open access together with indexing services such as SCOPUS, WOS, EiCompendix, DOAJ, PMC and others. She is also serving as Supervisor of the National Documentation and Information Center (NIDOC). She has served as an expert with Clarivate Analytics to produce a regional index, the Arabic Citation Index (ARCI). In 2015, she was appointed as coordinator of the Egyptian National Publishing Committee, responsible for ethical publishing cases on the national level, including handling predatory publications on the national and international level. Rashwan is also working in the technical group managing the publishing activities of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.