Ram Babu Singh
Vice-President, IGU and Head, Department of Geography

R.B. Singh (Vice-President, International Geographical Union (IGU)) is Head and Co-ordinator UGC-SAP-DRS III, Department of Geography, University of Delhi, India; Member, IUGG-IGU National Committee of the Indian National Science Academy; Springer Series Editor Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences. He is representing IAP–Global Network of Science Academies in the UNISDR Science and Technology Conference, Geneva. He was awarded prestigious JSPS Research Fellowship, Japan. Dr. Singh has specialized in Disaster Management, Remote Sensing and GIS, Environmental Studies, Climate Change, Urban Regional Development. He received UNEP-UNITAR Fellowship for Training in GIS Technology in the Field of Environment, at EPFL-Laussane and GRID-Geneva. He has to his credit 38 research volumes/books and more than 194 research papers published in international journals with high impact factor (i.e. Climate Dynamics, Environmental Science and Policies, Energies, Physical Geography, Advances in Meteorology, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, Hydrological Processes, Mountain Research and Development, Journal of Mountain Science, Advances in Earth Science, Advances in Limnology, Asian Geographer, Environmental Economics, Tourism Recreation Research). In 1988 the UNESCO/ISSC (Paris) awarded him Research and Study Grants Award in Social and Human Sciences. He has completed prestigious international collaborative research programs such as ICSSR-IDPAD, CIDA-SICI, DFID and Ministry of Agriculture. He has supervised 30 Ph.D. and 72 M.Phil students. He was also associated with Nordic Inst. of Asian Studies, Copenhagen (Denmark) in 1998 and Visiting Professor for delivering invited Lectures at the University of Turku (Finland). He was also one of the contributors in the famous-The World Atlas-Earth Concise, Millennium House Ltd., Australia. He is widely travelled and received several Fellowships/ Support from UNEP, UNITAR,UNU, UNCRD, WCRP, IAHS, IGU, NASDA, INSA, UGC, SICI, and MAIRS etc. for participating and presenting papers, Chairing session and discussing research projects in more than 35 countries from all continents of the world.