Sadhbh Lee
Senior House Officer

Dr. Lee is currently working as a senior house officer in the Obstetric and Gynaecology Unit of University Maternity Hospital Limerick. There her main responsibilities lie within the Antenatal clinics, the Gynaecology clinics and the Emergency Department.
She received an MB, BCh, BAO from Trinity College Dublin in 2016 and from 2018 to 2019 underwent basic specialist training in the field of Obstetric and Gynaecology at the University Maternity Hospital Limerick.
Dr. Lee is very active on the hugely concerning issue of climate change and planetary health. She is a founding member of Not Here Not Anywhere, a grassroots environmental group, and of Irish Doctors for the Environment (IDE), a group founded in 2018 aiming to promote the link between climate change and health. In her work with IDE, she is involved in circulating a monthly newsletter, posting to social media, organizing monthly events and coordinating campaigns. Some of IDE’s achievements over the last few months include having three motions on planetary health passed at the IMO AGM; co-signing the Lancet journal’s missive “A call for clinicians to act on planetary health”, hosting an event on Ocean Health with the SOPHIE EU 2020 Project, and co-signing a letter to the Taoiseach on active transport. She is chairing a working group on divestment in Irish health institutions, and is looking into developing an educational module on Planetary Health with RCSI. She was recently asked to speak on Planetary Health at the Environmental Health Association of Ireland Annual Conference. She is a member of the sustainability committee of University Hospital Limerick, where she leads the effort to establish recycling services.
In addition to her extracurricular environmental work, Sadhbh has excelled in her first year of Obstetric and Gynaecology training. She organizes weekly teaching sessions and was responsible for obtaining funding for two new training posts in her hospital.