Serena Bashal

Serena Bashal is a young climate activist from the UK. She holds a first class degree in Biology and Mathematics, and has worked on the climate and health nexus for 3 years. For example, she facilitated a workshop at a Climate Change and Health Youth Summit by the WHO and UNDP in London. She has been engaging in the UNFCCC civil society space since COP22, focusing on youth participation, climate science, climate justice amongst other thematics. She was the youngest person to ever be elected as a civil society focal point when she became the Global Focal Point to YOUNGO for 2019. She was a Programme Coordinator for the 16th UN Climate Change Conference of Youth (COY16), as well as the UK youth delegate and track facilitator to the Pre-COP Milan youth summit. She volunteers in the COP Working Group at the UK Youth Climate Coalition, who fundraised for and accredited 12 MAPA youth to attend COP26. Outside of the UN, Serena works with a wide variety of stakeholders including governments, the private sector, the media, schools/universities and more to enhance local/national/global climate action efforts.