Solange Uwituze
Deputy Director General in charge of Animal Resources Research and Technology Transfer, Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board

Dr. Solange Uwituze has 20 years of experience in Higher Agriculture Education. She is currently the Deputy Director General in charge of Animal Resources Research and Technology Transfer at the Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB). Further, Uwituze is currently the Board Chair of Gabiro AgriHub Business Ltd and a Deputy Board Chair of Gako Mea Company Ltd. She also serves as a board member of the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and a board member of the Kigali Collaborative Research Center (KCRC). Dr. Uwituze is a founding fellow of the Rwanda Academy of Sciences (RAS), and serves as its' Chair for Agricultural and Environmental Section. Prior to her current position, she served as the Program Manager for Partnerships and Business Management at the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) Secretariat and the Program Manager for Training and Quality Assurance at the same institution. RUFORUM is a Consortium of 106 African universities operating within 36 African countries. Prior to joining the RUFORUM Secretariat, she served as Dean of Faculty of Agriculture former National University of Rwanda. She has led teams that successfully won a number of Capacity development projects such as the World Bank funded Africa Centers of Excellence CIUF/CUD, EDULINK, etc; both at the faculty level and RUFORUM Secretariat. She has experience in leadership and management of various Capacity Building projects including those funded by USAID, NUFFIC, Sida, DAAD, EU, and Carnegie Corporation of New York.