Attila Szijártó

Attila Szijártó MD PhD is a 38 years old surgeon, senior assistant professor, lecturer with clinical and laboratory experiences looking to pursue translational/clinically oriented research in the field of liver surgery, living donor transplantation, liver regeneration.He is finished the Semmelweis University Medical School (Budapest, Hungary) on 2001 and defense his PhD in 2007 (Semmelweis University Medical School (Budapest, Hungary); topic of PhD thesis: Increasing ischemic tolerance in liver surgery). From 2008 Dr Szijártó is a board Certified General Surgeon with special interest in the hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery. From 2003 he is in leading position as the head of Experimental Surgery and Training Center of 1st Department of Surgery and served as a mentor for 57 undergraduate and 9 graduate (PhD) students in experimental and clinical surgical research with high level results. Dr Szijártó has received numerous awards, fellowships, and honors from very prestigious national and international societies. He is the founder and the president of Section of Young Surgeons (Hungarian Surgical Society) and the president of the board of trustees of the Foundation for Young Surgeons. He was the congress president of the First and Second Congress of the Section of Young Surgeons of the Hungarian Surgical Society in 2013 and 2014 and congress president of the 49th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR) Budapest, Hungary in 2014. Dr Szijártó is the treasurer of the Hungarian Surgical Society and member at large of the European Society for Surgical Research. Websites:;,