Thomas Krieg
Senior Professor, University of Cologne

Thomas Krieg is a Senior Professor for Translational Connective Tissue
Research at the University of Cologne. He was elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in 1997 and has been vice president of the academy since 2019. Thomas Krieg studied medicine in Berlin and received his doctorate there. He habilitated at the University of Munich. A research stay at the National Cancer Institute Bethesda was followed by a professorship at the Dermatological Clinic and Polyclinic of the LMU Munich. He then became a professor and Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Venereology at the University of Cologne. His field of research is dermatology, where he has achieved significant breakthroughs. He explores molecular mechanisms and risks underlying chronic wounds aiming at the development of innovative therapies. He is a member of the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association since 1994 and was a member of the German Network Systemic Scleroderma. At the University of Cologne, he served as head of the Center for Molecular Medicine, prorector for research and young scientists, and dean of the faculty of medicine. Thomas Krieg has already received several awards among them the Otto Hahn Medal, the Max Planck Research Award and the Albrecht von Haller Medal – for both his scientific achievements and his social commitment. He is Honorary Senator of the University of Cologne and Honorary Member of the American Academy of Dermatology. He has also been involved in providing scientific advice for the annual G7 and G20 summits by drafting of
statements of the academies and is a member of the FEAM Council.