John Mark Velasco

Regional Clinical Investigator April 2015-present
Department of Virology (USAMD-AFRIMS)
Responsibilities include:
- oversee and provide support for Department of Virology and Enterics, USAMD-AFRIMS research projects and project implementation activities across the Asian Region
- facilitation of inter-agency communication and good working relationships with national agencies and international collaborators within the region
- serves as the AFRIMS liaison officer for the US embassy and USAID
- principal investigator and co-investigator of several research projects implemented in the Asian region
- develop protocols for submission and funding
- serve as biosafety officer of the AFPMC-AFRIMS collaborative molecular laboratory.
- John Mark Velasco received his Bachelor of Science in Biology, Doctor of Medicine, Masters of Public Health from the University of the Philippines, holds an MSc in Clinical Trials from the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, University of London, a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and a graduate certificate in Emerging Infectious Disease Epidemiology from the University of Iowa.
- He is the regional clinical investigator of the USAMD-AFRIMS Department of Virology, serves as Vice-Chair of the Medical Sciences Division of the National Research Council of the Philippines, Vice-President of the Biological Risk Association of the Philippines and sits in the Philippines National Institutes of Health – Food and Drug Administration expert panel which reviews clinical trials for implementation in the Philippines.
- In 2014, he was selected as an Outstanding Young Scientist by the National Academy of Science and Technology for his contributions to public health and recognized as one of “The Outstanding Young Men” (TOYM) Philippines in the same year for medical science and public health. His diverse research interests encompass various disciplines including virology, parasitology, bacteriology with focus on emerging antibitoic resistance, epidemiology of emerging and re-emerging diseases, electronic disease surveillance, and clinical trials.