Victor Ramos

Victor A. Ramos has dedicated more than 60 years to understanding the geological evolution of the Andes. He graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, and has carried out postdoctoral studies in Europe and the United States as a Guggenheim fellow. His contributions were recognized by various institutions, and he has been made an honorary member of the Geological Society of America. He is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States and of the World Academy of Sciences, of the Latin American Academy of Sciences and of the Academias de Ciencias of Chile, Brazil and Argentina. Among other distinctions, the reception of the Mexico prize in the scientific field of Iberoamerica awarded by the Ministry of Sciences of this country, the Bunge y Born prize 2009, Konex de Platino 2013, Lenovo Science Prize 2017 from The World Academy of Sciences, among others. He has published more than a hundred papers on the geological evolution of Argentina and other sectors of South America, with special attention to the formation processes of the Andes Mountains. He has directed more than forty doctoral theses and dozens of undergraduate degrees. He is Emeritus Researcher of the Scientific and Technical Research Council, Emeritus Professor of the Universidad de Buenos Aires and president of the Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. He works at the Instituto de Estudios Andinos of the Universidad de Buenos Aires.