Zhe Li

Zhe Li is a principal investigator (PI) who leads a team focusing on aquatic ecology and biogeochemistry in Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). His expertise is carbon cycling in inland waters, yet he holds wide research interests extended to carbon footprint of renewable energy and adaptive management of dams in river basins. He received education as a governmental-funded exchange Ph.D. student in US in 2007. He obtained opportunities as visiting scholar to University of Kansas in 2012 and visiting professor to Université du Québec à Montréal in 2017. These experiences enable him to have excellent English communication skills, especially oral expressions and writing skills. Besides, the one-year visit in Montréal, Canada also gave him an entrance level of French communication ability. Over the past
decade, Dr. Zhe Li have been actively playing roles in UNESCO, IPCC and other NGOs with global influences. He has been a member in the Ecohydrology Project in the UNESCO International Hydrology Programme (IHP) since 2011. He is also a member in the
editorial board of Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology. Nominated by the China Three Gorges Corporation, Dr. Zhe Li was the delegate from China participating the UNESCO/IHA research project on the GHG status of freshwater reservoirs. Since 2015, Dr. Zhe Li was
invited as main author by IEA-hydro for editing the Guidelines for the Quantitative Analysis of Net GHG Emissions from Reservoirs (Vol 2 and Vol. 3). In 2017, he was invited as contributing author in the IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
for 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guideline. Started in 2020, Dr. Zhe Li served as a lecturer in the Erasmus Mundus master course in Applied Ecohydrology operated by the UNESCO-IHP Ecohydrology project. In addition, he was co-convener of conference
sessions organized by International Society of Limnology in 2020 and 2022. Besides these contributions, Dr. Zhe Li was the PI of two national-level international cooperation projects. In 2017, his research proposal jointly submitted with Argentina scientists in University of Buenos Aires was approved by NSFC and CONICET. In 2018, he also gained grants from NSFC and the Royal Society (RS) in UK. This NSFC-RS project was highlighted as an extension of the EU Horizon 2020 Project. The headquarter of CAS have been tracked and acknowledged Dr. Zhe Li’s achievements in actively participating international cooperation programmes, independently raising research topics with multilateral interests or global concerns.