The Science Academies’ Statements (S-statements) to the G7 and G20 summits are collaborative documents that present the consensus of leading national science academies of the G7 and G20 nations on pressing global issues ranging from climate change and health to technological innovation and economic growth. They are designed to inform and influence the policies of advanced and emerging economies on these issues by communicating science-based recommendations to G7 and G20 leaders. By advocating for collaboration across G7 and G20 nations, S-Statements aim to strengthen the international science and policy community’s ability to address critical issues in a cohesive and effective way, to improve outcomes for societies worldwide.
The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) undertook an analysis and issued a report on thematic overlaps and correlations between the S-Statements issued collaboratively by national science academies, and the declarations and communiqués from G7 and G20 summits—G-Statements. The conclusion from the analysis is clear: Science academies and G7 and G20 governments are well- aligned on priority issues, goals, and global policy initiative needs, and furthermore, academies are well-positioned to provide reliable scientific expertise. The report also demonstrates that science academies can bring emerging issues to the forefront, for them to be recognized in policy initiatives by G7 and G20 governments. This forward-thinking approach by the science academies helps governments understand the scope, implications, and potential solutions for emerging issues, and aids the setting of agendas for international collaboration.
This IAP report is the first public report to systematically analyze the correlations between S-Statements and G-Statements. We hope it serves as a valuable resource for member academies, supporting their strategic planning within the G7 and G20 contexts. Beyond that, we aspire for this report to have a broader impact, reinforcing the role of science as a foundation for policy, empowering all science academies to strengthen engagement with their respective governments, and reaffirming their role as essential partners in science-informed policymaking.