IAMP - the InterAcademy Medical Panel in August 2015 published this report on the "Survey on Non-Communicable Disease Activity in IAMP Member Academies".
As countries develop and become wealthier, they tend to experience a shift from the higher prevalence of infectious diseases of the past towards non-communicable diseases (NCDs), especially linked to demographic transitions towards more elderly populations. But NCDs are not only a growing problem in countries with high high-incomes and rapidly expanding economies. Many low- and middle-income countries are developing their healthcare systems and beginning to make in-roads into increasing life expectancy, and NCDs are becoming of increasing concern in these countries too.
It was for these reasons that IAMP has increased its focus on NCDs. To this end, IAMP member academies were surveyed to determine the level of their engagement on NCD issues, as well as their plans for the future. It is the scope of these activities that are reported in this report.