Digital literacy is the ability using information and communication technology (ICT) to evaluate, create, and communicate information, desirable for well-being of individuals, communities and society. Science is a way of knowing, a process, a product, and an institution. Science enables people to engage in the construction of new knowledge and use information to achieve desired ends. Access to science - whether using knowledge or creating it - necessitates level of familiarity with enterprise and practice of science, as referred as science literacy. Contemporary definitions of science literacy have expanded to include: understandings of scientific processes and practices, familiarity with how science and scientists work, capacity to weigh and evaluate products of science, and ability to communicate and engage in public decisions about science value.

The seminar is organized in a hybrid mode to accommodate as many as attendees whose care about the theme, which is notable for progressing the science and technology advancement for the betterment of humankind. To make available to more participants international and nationally, the seminar accommodates the virtual access through zoom and YouTube platform.
Starting more than one year ago, when AIPI proposed a joint collaboration program to the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the Association of Academies and Societies in Asia (AASSA), then to the Ministry of Communication & informatics, and lately to the National Library of Indonesia, which all welcome the ideas and support it. Then a backup from the Committee on SHARE Communication (Science, Health, Agriculture, Risk, and Environment) is given too. AIPI appreciates for all the support to make this event happen, and thanks to the marvelous Organizing Committee for the good work in realizing the 2-day seminar.