Norma Nudelman

Norma Sbarbati Nudelman has a PhD in chemistry from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina, as well as from MIT (Mass, USA).
She is currently a full professor at UBA, a Senior Researcher of the National Research Council, Argentina, a member of the Argentine Academy of Science (ANCEFN), and an executive member of the Argentine Chemical Society (AQA). She is also an Associate Research Fellow, UCSC (Calif, USA), and Invited Professor (Norwich, UK).
Nudelman is Founder and Director of the Inquiry-based Science Education (IBSE) Programme ‘HaCE’ of ANCEFN; Chair of the InterAmerican Network of Academies of Science (IANAS) Science Education Programme, acting as its focal point since 2004 and for the IANAS Women for Science (WfS) programme (2010-13); a member of the IAP SEP Global Council since 2010; a member of GenderInSITE (UNESCO) since 2015; a member of the Academy of Engineering and Technology for the Developing World (AETDW) since 2015; a member of the Academic Board of ISTIC (International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre) since 2015; and has been appointed as an expert to the Chemicals Revision Committee of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP-CRC), Rotterdam Convention (2015-2020).
She is also the founder of the Argentine Society of Organic Chemistry Research (1981, currently more than 700 members); founder and director of the Argentine Chemistry Olympiads (1991-2000); and of the Ibero-American Chemistry Olympiad (1995-2000), both continuing at present. She has also been a member of the Steering Committee of the International Chemistry Olympiads (1996-2000).
Among her awards have been those for Organometallic Chemistry (US National Academy of Sciences, 2006); Distinguish Researcher (UNDP, Chile, 2010); ‘Trajectory in Chemistry Education’ (AQA, 2010); Natural Sciences Education (Clarin-Zurich, 2011); ‘Rebeca Gerschman, Distinguish Researcher’ (Ministry of S&T, 2012); and ‘Excellence in Science Education’ (FUNPRECYT, 2015).
She is the author of six books, 250 publications in international scientific journals, and more than 400 communications in scientific meetings, as well as the supervisor of 26 PhD theses. She has been invited as a plenary lecturer to many international scientific meetings, and as a visiting professor to universities in countries of the Americas, Asia and Europe.