Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
The Senegal Academy of Science and Technology (ANSTS) was created at the end of the constitutive General Assembly on 9 November 1999. ANSTS is a consultative structure, a consultation and assistance body for both, public and scientific authorities, a centre of competence and expertise for the design of knowledge and the indispensable renewal of knowledge and thinking. It has a general advisory mission.
The creation of ANSTS was officially confirmed and registered under the Association Declaration Receipt N° 10120/M.INT/DAGAT/DEL/AS of 2 February 2000, governed by the provisions of articles 811 and seq. of the Code of Civil and Commercial Obligations. Its Statutes are approved by Decree N° 2006-289 of 3 April 2006.
ANSTS shall be made up of regular members of Senegalese nationality, foreign associate members, corresponding members and honorary members of all nationalities and emeritus members.