One of the important roles that IAMP plays within the health arena is to facilitate the preparation of international statements on important health and health-related matters of global significance.
We are therefore pleased to present a new IAMP Statement: A Call for Action to Strengthen Healthcare for Hearing Loss - launched to coincide with International Ear Care Day.
The Statement has been endorsed by more than 40 IAMP member academies.
Please follow the links below to download this latest IAMP Statement, the associated press release, as well as a Commentary piece published in The Lancet to coincide with the launch of the Statement.
Please below the full list of the IAMP member academies that have endorsed the Statement.
The Statement was proposed by the German National Academy of Sciences – Leopoldina, which took the lead in developing the text and coordinating the working group. We would therefore like to thank the efforts of the Leopoldina and the authors who contributed to the first draft of the document, as well as the members of the IAMP Working Group – experts nominated by IAMP member academies from 15 countries – for their efforts in developing, refining and finalizing the Statement.
Although hearing loss is often preventable and avoidable, it remains a major global health challenge. We hope this Statement will help galvanize a global, concerted and sustained effort to improve the lives of everyone who suffers from this disabling burden. Thus we call on IAMP member academies and other stakeholders to raise awareness of these issues and to seek solutions in their countries. Such efforts will be worth it – not only to those who suffer directly from hearing loss, but also to their families, friends and wider societies.
We would like to thank those member academies that have also provided translations of the Statement (available at the links below).
Lai-Meng Looi & Detlev Ganten
IAMP Co-Chairs
Working group
We acknowledge the input to the zero draft of this document by: