This report details a proof-of-concept exercise for establishing a Science and Technology (S&T) advisory mechanism within the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC). The exercise, conducted by the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the U.S. National Academies (NASEM) from 26-28 February 2024 in Trieste, Italy, simulated a hybrid advisory model comprising an open-ended body and a limited-size expert group. The simulation addressed critical procedural aspects, such as topic selection, expert diversity and transparency, focusing on the integration of artificial intelligence with life sciences. The results affirmed that such a mechanism could enhance the BWC's ability to navigate emerging biosecurity challenges by providing independent, expert-driven analyses and promoting international cooperation. The report concludes that the proposed advisory mechanism is feasible and valuable, offering a robust framework for future BWC decision-making.

Read more about IAP convening Global Biosecurity experts in Trieste, Italy, here.

IAP collaborated with the Friends of the Chair, UNIDIR to organize an informative webinar. The video recording of the webinar, held on 25 April 2024, is available here.

This report is complemented by a Technical Report. Download and read it here 'Exploring possible impact of AI on Biosecurity and International Cooperation in the BWC'.

Both reports were part of the project Science and Technology Advisory Mechanism for the Biological Weapons Convention, A Proof-of-Concept Exercise.